+91 70042 43467 dechaurangabad@gmail.com, info@drishtieyecarehospital.org M.G Road, Drishti Colony, Near Bhairopur Aurangabad, Bihar - 824102
+(123) 1800-88-66 Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 PM 34TH Avenue - New York, W2 3XE
Drishti Eye Care Hospital / Contact Lenses
Contact Lenses
We are here to provide a full range of exceptional quality care for eye services.

What are contact lenses?

A contact lens is a very thin or curved lens placed on the film of eyes that helps in covering the surface of the eye. The lens is naturally clear but is often the slightest tinge of the color to make them easy for the person wearing the lens to handle. You can get either hard or soft contact lenses. However, most people prefer soft lenses. This is the most common solution to get the vision corrected. You can even use colored contact lenses to enhance or completely change the look of your eye. All contact lenses whether they are cosmetic or prescription lenses require a prescription for their usage. The major reason behind this is even a small complication or infection can lead to vision loss or blindness. You must refer your eye doctor before using eye lenses.

What are the types of contact lenses used?

Soft contact lenses

These are made up of soft, flexible plastics that helps the oxygen to pass through cornea. These may be very easy to adjust and are very comfortable as compared to other lenses.

Rigid gas permeable lenses

These are more durable, and resistant to deposit buildup, and gives a clear and crispier view to the person. They are less expensive as compared to others. They are quite easy to handle and are less likely to tear.

Extended wear contact lenses

These types of lenses are available for continuous or overnight wearing. It ranges from one to six nights or can even be used for up to 1 month. They are usually made up of flexible plastics which allow oxygen to pass through the cornea.

Disposable contact lenses

These types of soft lens wearers require prescribed replacement schedules. You must use new lens each day.

What are the Dos and Don’ts of using contact lenses?


  • You must keep your hands clean.
  • You must clean your lens case frequently.
  • You must ask your doctor if you can sleep while wearing your contact lenses.
  • You should replace the contact lens timely.
  • You must visit your doctor regularly.


  • You should never top off the contact lens solutions.
  • You should not buy contact lenses without a prescription.
  • You should not bathe with the contacts in.
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